
Showing posts from October, 2013

Plastic Roll Bag Update

Dear Coop Members and Friends of The Park Slope Food Coop Environmental Committee, You are over due an update and apologies for the delay. First of all, let me direct you to the link, " Reduce Plastic Roll Bag Use-Learn More " (see image above right). If you click this link it will take you to the amended proposal that our Committee worked on over the summer and is now being looked at by the Coop's Agenda Committee. This amendment came out of our committee spending much time in the Coop (during our tabling events -see photo above), listening to members concerns, as well as sitting down several times for meetings with General Coordinators and hearing their concerns. Our main goal with both the original proposal and the amended one is to REDUCE PLASTIC ROLL BAG USAGE IN COOP and ENCOURAGE RE-USE of PLASTIC. Here are the main points of our amended proposal: This proposal aims to reduce the Coop's reliance on plastic roll bags on the shopping floor.  We propose to achieve...